An education isn’t how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It’s being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don’t Anatole France
(Educatia nu reprezinta ce ai putut sa memorezi, si nici macar cat de multe stii. Educatia iti permite sa diferentiezi cunoasterea de necunoastere.)

vineri, 27 ianuarie 2012

Acord cu DALKIA pentru finanţarea studiilor în Franţa

Acordul comun cu  DALKIA (veolia-EDF) este pentru finanţarea, timp de un an, a studiilor în Franţa pentru un tânăr ce va ocupa o funcţie de răspundere. Candidatii alesi vor petrece 6 luni la scoala si 6 luni, în cadrul întreprinderii în Franta, inainte de a le fi acodate o misiune de responsabilitate in cadrul acestor doua întreprinderi. Candidatii pot detine o diploma de Licenta, de anul 1 de Master, de anul 2 Master sau sa fie deja in viata activa.

Persoanele interesate pot adresa un CV pe adresa mea de e-mail sau a domnului FLORI Fabien,
Attaché scientifique et universitaire, Institut Français de Roumanie înainte de data de 19 februarie

Pentru informatii suplimentare:

miercuri, 25 ianuarie 2012

Oil & Gas Specialists (EPC Contract for LNG Project) - Algeria Job Reference: CGE32

If you have minimum 10 years of experience in Oil & Gas Projects and have the required qualifications (Degree, Diploma, Certificates), we would like to hear from you for the below mentioned vacancies. Please send your CV in “.doc” format to along with your salary requirements.

We need adequate candidates for the following vacancies in Algeria, for an important Oil & Gas Project (LNG: pipelines, refineries, pumping stations):
1. Piping Supervisor
2. Millwright Foreman
3. Piping Supervisor
4. Electrical Superintendant
5. Instrumentation Superintendant
6. Instrumentation Supervisor
7. Quantity Surveyor Mechanical
8. Electrical Supervisor
9. Telecom Superintendant
10. Cold Insulation & Painting Superintendant
11. Painting & Insulation Supervisor
12. Senior Static & Rotating Equipment Superintendant
13. Fire Gas Specialist
14. Turbine Coordinator

These jobs are contract based, for a period of 6 to 9 months, starting from 1st of February 2012; therefore you should be able to join the client within 2 weeks time.

Beside the standard benefit package (visa, flight tickets, full accommodation on site, food, transportation on site, medical insurance, pocket money) our Client offers rotation: 3 months on/ 15 days off.

Salary is negotiable based on qualifications and experience.

English is a MUST (optimal level) and French/ Italian are an advantage.

Locuri de munca: Verification Engineer_Brasov

For one of our clients, IT company, Brasov area, we are looking for a Verification Engineer.
• Develop RTL verification test plans, tools, test benches, protocol monitors, and high-coverage stimulus vectors
• Apply advanced techniques to achieve design verification with the highest quality, productivity and time-to-market
... • Perform RTL logic simulation and emulation
• Debug failures to root cause
• Run regression tests on every version and get to full test coverage for every tested block
• Interface closely with the algorithm and logic designers.
• BSc Electrical Engineering or Computer Science
• Minimum 2 years of experience at ASIC components verification
• Experience in defining test plans and development verification environments
• Experience using logic simulators, creating simulation tools and test benches, and writing test plans and directed tests
• Experience in software development at Object Oriented environments
• Excellent communication and teamwork skills
• Willingness for technical travelling to other DOC sites
• Experience in writing the verification environment at Specman ERM methodology including Cadence tools knowledge (is considered an advantage).

Please send cv at

Locuri de munca: Inginer Automatist, Galati

In domeniul dezvoltarii/ preluarii/ intretinerii aplicatiilor software
1. Analiza, proiectarea, programarea, testarea, implementarea, întreţinerea software-ului de aplicatie a sistemelor de automatizare cu PLC
2. Analiza, proiectarea, programarea, testarea, implementarea, întreţinerea software-ului HMI
... 3. Participarea la realizarea de specificatii tehnice pentru aplicatii hardware si software realizate de terte firme
4. Supervizarea si preluarea aplicatiilor software realizate de terte firme.
Absolvent de studii superioare in domeniul automatizari sau electonicii (Automatizari si calculatoare, Electronica )
Sunt considerate avantaje:
• Experienta in domeniu
• Experienta la punerea in functiune a unor sisteme de automatizare
• Experienta in companii multinationale
• Certificare de limbi straine.

Cei interesati sunt rugati sa trimita un cv la

Locuri de munca: Administrator retea calculatoare, Galati

1. Instalarea, configurarea, întreținerea şi menţinerea în funcţiune a componentelor hardware şi software pentru reţele de calculatoare, precum şi a serviciilor de rețea
2. Participare la proiectarea şi implementarea arhitecturii de reţea LAN / WAN de proces a companiei
3. Administrarea infrastructurii de reţea de proces a companiei
... 4. Administrarea procedurilor de back-up şi restore ale configuraţiei reţelelor
5. Planificarea şi asigurarea suportului pentru infrastructura de reţea 24h/24h
6. Analizarea problemelor care apar la servere, staţii de lucru şi sistemele asociate.
7. Întocmirea şi ţinerea la zi a documentaţiei rețelelor, a problemelor de reţea apărute şi soluţiilor găsite
8. Monitorizarea performantei reţelelor şi implementarea de soluții de îmbunătăţire
9. Aplicarea de masuri de securizare a reţelelor şi a politicilor de „disaster recovery”.
1. Absolvent de studii superioare în domeniul ingineriei informatice (Automatizări şi calculatoare, Informatică, Tehnologia informației)
2. Cunoștințe aprofundate despre reţelele de calculatoare (Ethernet , LAN, WAN, TCP/IP)
3. Cunoștințe aprofundate de limba Engleză
4. Cunoștințe de bază despre sistemele de operare (Microsoft Windows Server, XP, Linux, virtualizare, securitate)
5. Cunoștințe de bază despre hardware calculatoare (servere, staţii de lucru, medii de stocare, RAID)
6. Abilităţi de comunicare şi prezentare - scris şi verbal (fluenţă, exprimare clară şi concisă)
7. Abilităţi de rezolvare a problemelor, implicare şi dorinţa de dezvoltare personală, capacitatea de a lucra in echipa.

Cei interesati sunt rugati sa trimita un cv la

Locuri de munca: Inginer de sistem, Galati

1. Instalarea, configurarea, administrarea şi menţinerea în funcţiune hardware şi software a serverelor, staţiilor de lucru şi celorlalte echipamente IT de proces din companie
2. Evidenţa şi gestionarea infrastructurii IT-proces şi a licenţelor software
3. Întocmirea şi administrarea procedurilor de salvare şi restaurare configuraţii şi date
... 4. Elaborarea de norme şi manuale de exploatare pentru utilizarea echipamentelor şi aplicaţiilor din dotare
5. Realizarea de interconectări între diferite sisteme de calcul, transferuri de date şi aplicaţii, modificarea configurației sistemelor de calcul în conformitate cu cerințele aplicaţiilor
6. Asistenta tehnica la încheierea de contracte de colaborare şi service pentru echipamentele din dotare
7. Asigurarea asistenţei tehnice şi instruirea utilizatorilor pentru implementarea metodelor şi echipamentelor noi
8. Întocmirea şi ţinerea la zi a documentaţiei infrastructurii hardware şi software a echipamentelor de proces, a problemelor apărute şi a soluţiilor găsite
9. Asigurarea suportului tehnic şi rezolvarea operativă a incidentelor apărute în funcţionarea echipamentelor 24h/24h pentru situaţiile critice
1. Absolvent de studii superioare în domeniul ingineriei informatice (Automatizări şi calculatoare, Informatică, Tehnologia informației)
2. Cunoștințe aprofundate despre sistemele de operare (Microsoft Windows Server, XP, Linux, virtualizare, securitate) şi ingineria de sistem
3. Cunoștințe aprofundate despre hardware calculatoare (servere, staţii de lucru, medii de stocare, RAID)
4. Experiența în domeniu
5. Cunoștințe aprofundate de limba Engleză
6. Cunoștințe de bază despre reţelele de calculatoare (Ethernet , LAN, WAN, TCP/IP)
7. Abilităţi de comunicare şi prezentare - scris şi verbal (fluenţă, exprimare clară şi concisă)
8. Abilităţi de rezolvare a problemelor, implicare şi dorinţa de dezvoltare personală, capacitatea de a lucra in echipa.

Cei interesati sunt rugati sa trimita un cv la

Locuri de munca: FPGA Manager_Bucharest


• Manage a team of 5-10 engineers who are working to architect high performance & highly resilient architectures using complex core FPGAs, DSPs & other hardware components
• Lead and mentor team in the design, development and testing of these complex systems
... • Work hands-on and mentor team members in the lab to bring up, debug, and verify the correct functioning of the system at required performance/throughout & stability
• Active management of the team from tasks, schedules, structure and team growth perspective
• Active technical program management and tasks/goals alignment with other teams from US/CA
• Work with other engineers to identify & work on patenting unique & innovative solutions
• Participate in documentation of functional, design and test specifications
• Functional and feature ownership – direct accountability for project/feature delivery
• experience with Altera or Xilinx FPGA designs
• experience in team leading of 3-7 engineers
• Knowledge of CPU, memory, and microcontroller architectures and how to optimally interface FPGAs to CPUs, memories, and microcontrollers.
• Track record of architecting provably optimal designs, with minimum necessary complexity
• Experience working with and leading a team of engineers
• Experience working with a distributed, global organization.
• Excellent communication skills (written and verbal)
• Can handle multiple tasks well while mentoring and directing others
• BSEE, MSEE, or equivalent

Please send cv at

Locuri de munca: Team leader Windows_Bucharest


• Lead a team of 4-6 engineers who are working to develop networking virtualization modules for the IxVM product on Windows platform
• Lead and mentor the team in the design, development and testing of these modules
... • Work hands-on and mentor team members to develop, debug, and verify the correct functioning of the modules at required performance/throughout & stability
• It will involve interacting with project managers, leads, other developers and QA team in order to understand, scope and specify the features, planning the schedule, designing and implementing the solutions, performing development testing, optimizing and performing bug-fixing in order to deliver high quality releases on time.
• Active management of the team from tasks and schedules perspective
• Active tasks and goals alignment with other teams from US/CA
• Work with other engineers to identify & work on patenting unique & innovative solutions
• Participate in documentation of functional, design and test specifications
• Functional and feature ownership – direct accountability for project/feature delivery
• Experience in Windows C++ development
• Experience in team leading of 4-6 engineers
• Good knowledge for analysis & design algorithms, data structures and OOP/OOD skills
• Proven experience in middleware, multi-threading and networking development using C++
• Proven to be performance driven and fast learner
• Experience working with a distributed, global organization.
• Excellent communication skills (written and verbal)
• Can handle multiple tasks well while mentoring and directing others
• BSEE, MSEE, or equivalent

Please send cv at

Locuri de munca: GUI Arhitect_Bucharest

Pentru unul dintre clientii nostri, companie multinationala pe IT, cautam un GUI Arhitect.
- va lucra la re-shape-ul unuia din produsele mari ale companiei (IxLoad) – solutia de generare de trafic Layers 4-7
- va fi implicata in review-ul sau design-ul a tot ce inseamna interfata grafica in acest produs sau in module adiacente
... - Va face parte din echipa de dezvoltare IxLoad Infrastructure – 20+ ingineri
- Va fi nevoie sa elaboreze mock-up-uri (functionale sau doar screenshot-uri) care sa descrie workflow-ul aplicatiei/modulelor
- Este nevoie de experienta in design-ul (si dezvoltarea) de aplicatii desktop in principal.

Cei interesati sunt rugati sa trimita un cv la

Locuri de munca: Professional Service Engineer_Bucharest

The Professional Services Engineer will be responsible for delivering pre-sales and post-sales activities of Professional Services projects.
The role requires:
Regular travel to deliver services on customer locations throughout the EMEA region
Assist PS Project Managers during pre-sales process in preparing and reviewing
... proposals, presentations and Statements of Work (SOW) for professional services
Work closely with the customer in understanding requirements, identifying a strategy for
meeting the customer needs, problem identification, analysis and re-creation.
Design, develop & execute test configurations to cover functional, scalability,
performance, system testing and characterization for L2-7 technologies
Perform day to day management of assigned projects, manage customer relationships and ensure customer delight
Keep abreast of Product and Technology developments to ensure that latest solutions are used to enhance customer experience.
• 5 years of experience in IP Test and Measurement
• Bachelor’s Degree in a computer science or engineering background
• Customer facing experience and ability to manage relationships.
• Excellent communication skills – ability to write documents to a high standard and
present solutions to customers.
• Strong background in data communications. Expertise in one or more of the following:
o L2/L3 technologies (Ethernet/IP).
o Understanding of IP routing and MPLS Signalling protocols.
o Exposure to L4/7 Applications.
o Knowledge of Voice and Video technologies in IP networks.
o Automation – scripting and/or programming knowledge
o Ability to troubleshoot network issues in a logical manner.
o Ability to be dynamic and stay in control when under pressure.

Please send cv at

Locuri de munca: C++/C# Application Developer _Bucharest

This position requires an immediate and significant technical contribution to the development of complex object-oriented software product. It will involve interacting with project managers, leads and other developers in order to understand, scope and specify the features, planning the schedule, designing and implementing the solutions, performing development testing, ...optimizing and performing bug-fixing in order to deliver high quality releases on time.
We are looking for a senior software engineer with excellent programming knowledge and experience in developing commercial software. The ideal candidates have a strong foundation in networking, including TCP/IP, sockets programming and L4-7 protocols knowledge.
Requirements :
• Analysis & Design: Good algorithms/data structures knowledge and OOP/OOD skills, RUP
• Programming Languages: C++, .Net C# programming; experience in GUI/middleware development
• Testing / Automation: Junit/Nunit, Open STA, J2EE Cactus, ant, make, Cruise Control
• General Programming: knowledge or experience on Windows (multi-threading and networking programming)
• Good communication skills in English (spoken and written), proactive attitude and team player
• Proven to be performance driven and fast learner
• Technologies: Good algorithms/data structures knowledge and OOP/OOD skills
• Application Servers: Oracle 10g AS, Windows Server
• Internet: JSP/Servlets, ASP.NET 2.0, XML, HTML, TCL scripting, HTTP,

Please send cv at

Locuri de munca: C&C++ Software Developer_Bucharest

This person will participate in the analysis, design, development and maintenance of various products. She/he will maintain and enhance current products and will participate in the design and development of applications for both internal and external use. She/he will also liaise with different groups within the company to determine their requirements and priorities. This p...erson will also train end users on the efficient use of the developed applications.
Requirements :
• Solid C/C++ programming skills
• Linux, Windows programming expertise
• Network programming experience (TCP/IP)
• Ability to quickly learn and grasp new technologies
• Desire and ability to work in a highly collaborative, team-oriented environment
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills

Please send cv at