An education isn’t how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It’s being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don’t Anatole France
(Educatia nu reprezinta ce ai putut sa memorezi, si nici macar cat de multe stii. Educatia iti permite sa diferentiezi cunoasterea de necunoastere.)

luni, 1 august 2011

AlaSim International 2012

The Alabama Modeling and Simulation Council (AMSC) announces AlaSim
International 2012, May 1-3, 2012, at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville,
Alabama, USA.

AlaSim is designed to showcase the breadth and depth of simulation activity
in Alabama and to collect, document, display and discuss the current state
of simulation technology throughout the world.

AlaSim 2012 is soliciting modeling and simulation papers, project and
program briefings, panel discussions, workshops, tutorials, student posters,
and exhibits displaying simulation products and services.

To participate:

General information: