An education isn’t how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It’s being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don’t Anatole France
(Educatia nu reprezinta ce ai putut sa memorezi, si nici macar cat de multe stii. Educatia iti permite sa diferentiezi cunoasterea de necunoastere.)

vineri, 5 octombrie 2012

Career planning guide

Elsevier’s newly revised “Charting a Course for a Successful Research Career” is a crash course of practical advice on how to plan your career. Written by 30-year research veteran Professor Alan Johnson, this free mentoring booklet—used as a resource in many workshops around the world— provides a detailed map of the important milestones you should reach along the path to a successful research career.
The booklet provides wide-ranging topics from planning your career to preparing a grant funding application, to selecting a research discipline, supervisor and mentor. It also discuses the importance of getting recognized for the work you do, how to publish research – thinking about this early on is essential – and where to publish.


Writing an Effective Academic CV

A CV allows you to showcase yourself and your academic and professional achievements in a concise, effective way. You want to have a compelling CV that is well-organized and easy to read, yet accurately represents your highest accomplishments.
Don’t be shy about your achievements, but also remember to be honest about them. Do not exaggerate or lie!
Academic CVs differ from the CVs typically used by non-academics in industry, because you need to present your research, your various publications and awarded funding, in addition to the various other items contained in a non-academic CV.1
The intention of this informative guide is to provide academics with advice and tips on how best to write a CV for the academic field. The advice and tips provided here are organized into categories as could be used to structure a CV as well. You do not need to follow the format used here, but it is advised to address the categories covered here somewhere in your CV.
To start with some general advice first, you should consider length, structure and formatting of your CV.
  • Length: Since academic CVs must present so much information with regard to research and publications, it is generally acceptable if CVs are more than 2 pages long.2 It is best not to exceed 4 pages maximum.3
  • Structure: Choose a structure for your CV with the main headings and sub-headings you will use. There are several sources and CV samples available and links are provided to these sources at the end of this document.
    In general, however, you should start with providing some brief personal details, then a brief career summary. Your education, publications and research should follow and be the focus for the first section of your CV. Other important categories to address include: funding, awards and prizes, teaching roles, administrative experience, technical and professional skills and qualifications, any professional affiliations or memberships, conference and seminar attendances and a list of references.
  • Formatting: Your CV should be clear and easy to read. Use legible font types in a normal size (font size 11 or 12) with normal sized margins (such as 1 inch or 2.5 cm margins). Use bullet points to highlight important items and to concisely present your credentials. Keep a consistent style for headings and sub-headings and main text – do not use more than 2 font types in your CV. Make smart, but sparing use of bold, italics and underlining. Be aware of spelling and grammar and ensure it is perfect. Re-read a few times after writing the CV to ensure there are no errors and the CV is indeed.4
Personal Details
Personal details include your name, address of residence, phone number(s) and professional e-mail address. You may also include your visa status, as relevant.
Career Summary
The career summary is not a statement of your ambitions or objectives. It is a brief summary of approximately 5 -7 sentences summarizing your expertise in your discipline(s), years of expertise in the area(s), noteworthy research findings, key achievements and publications.
Provide an overview of your education starting from your first academic degree to the most recent degree obtained (reverse chronological order). Include the names of the institutions, thesis or dissertation topics and type of degree obtained.
The listing of publications is a key part of an academic’s CV. It is advisable to list your most reputed publications in ranking of type, such as books, book chapters, peer-reviewed journal articles, non-peer-reviewed articles, articles presented as prestigious conferences, forthcoming publications, reports, patents, and so forth. Consider making an exhaustive list of all publications in an appendix.
As an academic, your research experiences, your findings, the methods you use and your general research interests, are critical to present in the first part of your CV. Highlight key research findings and accomplishments.
Honors and Recognitions
Here is a section where you can allow yourself to shine. Share any prizes, awards, honors or other recognitions for your research and work with the year it occurred and by who/which body the award was granted.
The funding you have attracted for your research and work is recognition of the value of your research and efforts. If applying for positions, institutions also like to see what kind of funding you can attract. As with the honors and recognitions, be forthcoming with what you have obtained in terms of grants, scholarships and funds.
This section is straightforward. List your teaching experiences, including the institutions, the years you taught, as well as the subject matters you taught and the level of the course(s).
Administrative Experience
Any administrative experience within a faculty or research institute should be noted on your CV. Do you facilitate (or have you in the past) a newsletter, an event(s), or anything else at your respective institution? If so, and particularly if relevant to your discipline, include it in your CV.
Professional Experience
If you have been employed in industry and it is relatively recent (approximately within the last 5-10 years) and relevant to your academic work, it is important to include it. If relevant, professional experience can explain any gap fills in your academic work and demonstrate the diversity in your capabilities.5
Other Skills and Qualifications
As on every CV, academics should highlight key skills and qualifications relevant to your research and academic work. Technical and practical skills, certifications, languages, and more, are relevant to mention in this section.
Professional Affiliations and Memberships
If you belong to any professional group or network related to your areas of expertise, you should mention them in this section. Only list affiliations or memberships with which you are active (within last 5 years, for example). This should not be a lengthy section.
Attendance at Conferences and SeminarsList the most relevant conferences or seminars where you presented or participated in a panel within the last 5-7 years. In an appendix, you can add an exhaustive list of conferences and seminars where you participated by giving a speech, presented a paper or research, or participated in a discussion panel.
It is advised to list at least three contact persons who can provide a reference for your research, work and character. Provide their names and complete contact information. Clearly, they should all be academics and all people you have worked with.6
As referenced already in some of the preceding categories, it is ok to include an appendix. Appendices enable you to keep the main content of your CV brief, while still providing relevant detail.7 Items to list in an appendix can include publications, short research statements or excerpts, conference or seminar participation, or something similar and relevant which you would like to provide more details about.8
CVs are Not Only for Job-Searching
As a presentation by Wendy Perry of the University of Virginia clearly indicates, CVs are not just for job-searching. This is important to keep in mind when preparing your CV. You will regularly need to update your CV and to adapt it for the various purposes. In Perry’s presentation, she highlighted the other frequent uses of an academic CV, including9:
  • Awards, fellowships
  • References
  • Publishing
  • Grant applications
  • Public speaking
  • Consulting
  • Leadership
  • Merit/tenure review
Outline Examples of Academic CVs
Sample CVs
Also, if you are applying for a position with an academic institution, they may have their own preferred CV outline. Inquire to see if the institution does have a preference and use it.


Creating a simple and effective academic personal website

Today, creating an academic website goes hand-in-hand with creating your CV and presenting who you are to your academic and professional peers. Creating and maintaining your website is an essential tool in disseminating your research and publications. Use your academic personal website to highlight your personality, profile, research findings, publications, achievements, affiliations and more. In addition, by using some of the many social media tools available, you can further amplify the information contained in your website.
An academic personal website takes you a step further in terms of increasing your visibility, because it is an ideal place to showcase your complete research profile. You will attract attention to your publications, your name recognition will increase and you will get cited more. Moreover, a website is also useful for networking and collaborating with others, as well as for job searching and application.
This guide helps you to take that next step and informs you on how to easily create an effective academic personal website.

Getting Started - The Technicalities

Registering the Domain Name
Think of a few good domain names which you would like to use for your website. Try your name or a combination of initials and last name. The domain name should be simple, preferably without hyphens or numbers, and easy to spell. Registering a domain name is never free, but it is low cost and worth it. Select a domain name with ‘.com’ if it is available.
Getting Hosting for the Website
After registering a good domain name, you need to buy hosting, i.e. the virtual location and server where your website is stored and managed. Some of the domain registration companies also offer hosting. See the next section on ‘Creating the Website’ for a list. Among the items offered in most hosting packages, one or more free e-mail addresses at the domain name you registered is included and a certain amount of storage space is also provided.
Creating the Website
Once you have registered a domain name and secured web hosting, you can start creating your website. It does not have to take a lot of time or technical knowledge to create a good website today, because there are several easy-touse platforms or Content Management Systems (CMSs) available.
Some website platforms also offer web hosting. Sites such as Jibr, WordPress, Blogger and Yola are among those that do.

Look and Feel of your Website

Your academic website should be a clean presentation of you academically and professionally. It should not be too cluttered, but it should also be thorough since it is essentially a detailed CV.
  • Choose a simple layout offered in the several templates available on the website platform or CMS you have selected. Choose a layout which appears straightforward to edit and is not too colorful. Two or three colors are sufficient.
  • Choose a light colored background and a dark font color to ensure the text is easy to read; never the reverse.
  • Use a legible standard font type and size for your site. It is best to use one, maximum two, font types. Using bold, italics and underlining for emphasis is suitable, but don’t overdo it. Be consistent in the use of these embellishments.
  • Present the text in a spacious, organized manner. Use ample spacing and bullet points, and do not include numerous lengthy paragraphs of text.

What Information to Include on your Website

As your academic website is a reflection of you academically and professionally, you can use the same elements as those on your CV. On the website, you can be more detailed in explaining items. Although, do not write more than a few sentences, or a short paragraph, on each element. Include bullet points and links where possible to save on writing too much text. Items to address on your personal academic website:
  • Profile and expertise
  • Links to all types of publications (journals, books, etc.)
  • Current research and research goals
  • Honors and achievements
  • Funding awards
  • Professional and academic affiliations
  • Teaching and other relevant professional experiences
  • Forthcoming speaking appearances
  • Presentations, videos, photos
  • Links to your blog, academic social networks and institution
  • Social media widgets for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blog, etc.
  • Links to your blog, or enable blog posts to appear on your website
  • Basic contact information
  • Any other information you deem relevant

Broadcasting your Website

Once you have completed your website, you should share include a link to your website in your e-mail signature. Including the URL of your website on your business card is also helpful.
Also, be sure to share the link to your website on all of your online and social media profiles to gain maximum exposure. Share links to your new website on, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and beyond. Most, if not all, website platforms offer social media widgets enabling visitors to click and easily share your post or website link in their social media networks. Be sure to add these widgets to your website and place them ideally at the bottom of the page, in the sidebar, or at the top right.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your Academic Website

You can use certain keywords to increase the number of visitors who find your page through search engine searches. This process of tailoring the words to increase visits is called search engine optimization (SEO). Figure out which keywords are best to use with regard to your academic field using the Google AdWords keyword tool and Google Analytics. You only need to use some of the top searched keywords a few times on your website.
Furthermore, simply by keeping your website and publication links up-to-date will increase the SEO of your website. The links on your website which link back to the publications are captured by Google’s algorithmic tools and help to increase the ranking and visibility of your publications and, in turn, the ranking of your academic website.

Tracking the Outreach and Effectiveness of your Website

It is important to measure the effectiveness of your website and understand the behavior of your visitors. Google Analytics is one of the tools which enable you to measure the impact of your site. You can see how frequently it is visited, the physical locations of visitors to your site, the most visited pages of your site, and more. Tracking the visitors to your website can help you tailor it to further increase the traffic to your website.
Useful Sources 

Get Found. Optimize your Research Articles for Search Engines.

Search engine optimization (SEO) of your journal articles is as important for you to do to market your research as it is for a company to market a retail product. Different markets and end users, but the same purpose and means. Thanks to companies like Google, SEO is almost obligatory if you would like to increase readership of your articles, increase citations and acknowledgment and to create an overall stronger academic visibility, both offline and online. By optimizing your articles, you guarantee that your articles are indexed and gain a higher ranking in general and academic search engines, such as Google and Google Scholar, Elsevier’s Scirus, SciDiver, IEEE Xplore, PubMed,, and more.1
A higher ranking means that your article appears at the top of the list in the search results when someone types in one or more of the keywords or phrases you use in your article. The basis for this ranking varies from the search engine used to perform the search, as each search engine employs its own combination of algorithms based on the keywords, phrases, metadata and more contained in your document. Optimizing academic articles is also referred to as ASEO, or academic search engine optimization.2

How to SEO your Articles

There are several ways you can optimize your article for better indexing and ranking in search engines. Usage of strong keywords and synonyms, the location in the text of those keywords and synonyms (i.e. in a title vs. only in a sub-heading)3, the completeness of the metadata, the use of vector graphics for your graphs and tables and having a public group for your research, are some examples of the techniques. Continue reading for more information on how to implement these and other techniques.
Keywords - Keyword analysis, Metadata - descriptions, Graphics, Citations- Proof of validity, Social media - Tell people about your articles


Using keyword tools, such as the popular Google AdWords keyword tool, you can find which keywords are most popular in searches. Based on this information, you can inform your decision of which keywords (and synonyms of those keywords) to use in your article title, sub-heading, description tags, abstract and throughout the main text of your article. Using a strong keyword in your title is better than, for example, only using it in the description tag.4 However, you should plan to use one or more relevant keywords in your title, abstract and several times in the main text of the article. Regarding how often to use keywords in your text is referred to as ‘keyword density’.5
An overview of places in the article where you can use strong keywords relevant to your topic include:
  • Title
  • Heading and sub-headings
  • Description tags
  • Keywords
  • Descriptions of the authors
  • Filename of the document
  • Main body text
  • Abstract
  • Graphics, tables and figures – both in the graphic as well as in the title of the graphic6
  • Write a good and short title for your article. If you can use one or more keywords in the title while accurately describing the content of your article, then do it. Keep in mind the audience of your article and any academic keywords specific to your field to inform which keywords may be best to use.
  • In addition to the keywords tool from Google, the company offers Google Insights and Google Trends. With the latter two, you can see the popularity of keywords over a period of time and by geographic location, which may or may not be relevant for you and to your article. Until now, Google offers the most tools for SEO.
  • Don’t go overboard with using numerous top keywords in every location of your article. You want to tastefully optimize your article without compromising the relevance and quality of your writing and research.
  • Also note that using the most popular keyword tool may not always be best for you and your article. After all, it is the most popular for a reason, partly because it is frequently used in documents by others. You can test this by doing your own search of the keyword and seeing how many search results are found. If it is an exorbitant amount of articles, you may want to choose another keyword that is also very relevant to your research topic.7


The metadata of an article refers to a number of things. Metadata can refer to keywords used, as well as to the type of file your document is, such as whether it is a PDF or Word file, the title, subjects and authors of the article, the date of the article, the name of the publisher and more. The metadata of your article also factors into the indexing and ranking of your article, so you should ensure this information is complete.

Types of Graphics

Believe it or not, the types of graphics – including tables and figures – you use in your article factor into the calculation of the ranking of your article. For example, if you use an image-based graphic (represented by the file types: .tiff, .bmp, .jpeg, .png, .pdf, .gif and .psd, to name a few of the most common), the text in that graphic type cannot be ‘read’ and indexed by search engines and therefore cannot be factored into the algorithms used by the search engines. Consequently, it is advised to use so-called text-based ‘vector’ graphics (most commonly represented as .svg, .ai, .eps, .ps in file types)8. Using vector graphics, which can be indexed, enables you to use relevant keywords and phrases in those graphics, figures and tables to enhance the optimization of your article.9


Citations are critical in the academic world, both offline and online. The more your research articles are cited by others in their articles, the better. Your visibility and reputation benefit from numerous citations. Accordingly, for SEO, the number of citations to your past and current research factors into the indexing and ranking of your past, present and future articles.10 Citations to your past publication within your current and future publications, as well as in the publications by other authors, are very relevant and good for SEO.
Consistent spelling of authors’ last names and initials is important to ensure articles and citations are correctly identified by search engines.11

Publicizing your Article Using Internet and Social Media Tools

Writing and publishing your scholarly article is not the final step. You must inform everyone in your academic and social networks about it as well. Create a public group for your article or research in any number of places12, share links to your abstract or publication on, LinkedIn, on your website, your academic institution’s profile page, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Also, include the publication in your institution’s repository, on Mendeley, ResearchGate and elsewhere.
Always remember: There is an important balance to strike and to uphold between increasing the visibility of your research through (A)SEO and presenting relevant, high-quality research. Do not compromise your writing and research quality, academic reputation, or ethics.13


  1. Beel, Joeran, Gipp, Bela and Wilde, Erik. “Academic Search Engine Optimization (ASEO): Optimizing Scholarly Literature for Google Scholar & Co.”. Accessible at: (last accessed 24 August 2012); and Hoyt, Jason. Mendeley blog. 29 November 2010. Academic SEO – Market (and Publish) or Perish. Accessible at: market-and-publish-or-perish/ (last accessed 24 August 2012).
  2. Ibid.
  3. Ibid.
  4. Ibid.
  5. SEO Administrator. SEO Tutorial-SEO Tips. Accessible at: (last accessed 24 August 2012).
  6. Ibid.
  7. Ibid.
  8. Vector Image File Types. Accessible at: (last accessed 24 August 2012).
  9. Hoyt, Jason. Mendeley blog. 29 November 2010. Academic SEO – Market (and Pub- lish) or Perish. Accessible at: (last accessed 24 August 2012).
  10. Beel, Joeran, Gipp, Bela and Wilde, Erik. “Academic Search Engine Optimization (ASEO): Optimizing Scholarly Literature for Google Scholar & Co.”. Accessible at: (last accessed 24 August 2012).
  11. Ibid.
  12. Ibid.
  13. Webometrics blog. (last accessed 24 August 2012).

Get noticed. Disseminate your research better.

Build your research profile online and offline to increase your visibility in the field. This guide provides an overview on using many online and tranditional tools to communicate your research. Learn more

Academia or Industry?

Listen to advice from two people who have been in your shoes before. Meet Sheba Agarwal-Jans and Chiat Cheong.
Learn about:

marți, 2 octombrie 2012

Studentele masterande îşi pot depune dosarele pentru o bursă de 3000 de lei pe an

Au început înscrierile pentru cele peste 500 de burse sociale oferite în anul universitar 2012-2013, studentelor masterande aflate în situaţii sociale defavorizate şi care sunt înmatriculate la studii universitare de masterat acreditate, în cadrul universităţilor de stat sau private din Regiunea de Nord - Est (Bacău, Botoşani, Iaşi, Neamţ, Suceava şi Vaslui), în anul I sau II, la zi, care sunt integraliste şi nu beneficiază de bursă socială sau de alte tipuri de bursă (Erasmus, bursă de merit etc).
Scopul acestor burse este de a facilita accesul studentelor care provin din familii cu posibilităţi materiale reduse, la pregătire universitară, în cadrul studiilor de masterat. Cuantumul total al bursei este de 3.000 de lei, adică 333 de lei pe lună.
Pot aplica la aceste burse studentele masterande a căror familie nu realizează pe ultimele trei luni un venit lunar net mediu pe membru al familiei mai mare de 1.100 de lei , cele orfane de ambii părinţi, care provin din casele de copii sau plasament familial, care nu realizează venituri, dar şi studentele bolnave de TBC, care suferă de diabet, boli maligne, sindromuri de malabsorbţie grave, insuficienţă renală cronică, astm bronşic, epilepsie, cardiopatii congenitale, hepatită cronică, glaucom, miopie gravă, boli imunologice, cei infestaţi cu virusul HIV sau bolnavi de SIDA, spondilită anchilozantă sau reumatism articular acut;
Dosarele se depun până pe 12 octombrie 2012, la Serviciul Social din cadrul Universităţii ,,Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, str. Codrescu, Căminul nr.12, camera 5.
Informaţii complete despre criteriile de acordare și actele necesare pentru obţinerea burselor sociale găsiţi la adresa
Aceste burse sunt oferite în cadrul proiectului „Reconstrucţia statutului femeii: de la discriminare la dezvoltare profesională şi egalitate de şanse" (ID 50679), coordonat de Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi şi cofinanţat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane POSDRU 2007 – 2013.


What Makes a Candle Flame?

  • DOI: 10.1002/chemv.201000145
  • Author: ChemViews
  • Published Date: 06 December 2011
  • Copyright: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
thumbnail image: What Makes a Candle Flame?

Combustion Processes

  1. Melting of the fuel
  2. Transport of the fuel by the capillary action of the wick
  3. Conversion of the liquid fuel into gas
  4. Thermal decomposition (pyrolysis) of the fuel
  5. Oxidation of the pyrolysis products
Solid carbon particles, soot, form at about 1,000 °C. These are excellent blackbody radiators of colors in the yellow to red spectrum. The typical yellow color of a candle flame or wood fire is therefore produced primarily by the hot soot. The mixing of the fuel and the O2 is the slowest part of the combustion process and, therefore, the rate determining step.

See more on:

Tips for Writing Better Science Papers: The Cover Letter

Have you ever struggled to write up your results into publishable paper only to get it rejected? Richard Threlfall, Managing Editor, Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry, gives some insider tips on how to improve each section of your article and increase your chances of getting published.

The Cover Letter

Often overlooked in submissions, your cover letter is your chance to talk directly to the editor and to highlight all the most important results of your research. It can either make a great first impression or leave the editor uninspired, so it is a fantastic opportunity to make the editor sit up and take notice of your paper!

It is a very bad idea to submit a cover letter that just says:
Dear Editor,
We are submitting our manuscript for consideration in your journal. It is not under consideration for publication anywhere else.
A. Author

An even worse idea is not to submit a cover letter at all (which does happen)!

Much like an introduction, a good cover letter explains to the editor the critical question your research addresses, how you have answered this question, and why it is of significance to the wider community.

Consider the basic examples below:
Dear Editor,
Compound X has interesting biological and pharmaceutical activity. We made some improvements over a previous synthesis and believe it has wider applications in organic chemistry.
A. Author
A letter like this poses more questions than it answers for the editor. A better start might be:
Compound X is a potent anticancer agent. However, up until now, it could only be isolated in small amounts from Plantius planticus. Our total synthesis gives compound X in 99 % yield by …
We have synthesized catalyst A, which is 75 % more efficient than catalysts B and C for the industrially important hydrolysis of Y. This improvement in efficiency is caused by …

Technical details (where appropriate) will add to the editor's understanding of your paper, but be careful not to put in an overwhelming set of numbers or to exaggerate.

Lastly, suggest referees whether the journal requires you to or not. This shows you have a good knowledge of your field.

The best cover letters are concise and give a clear explanation of the advances and discoveries made in the course of the research. Remember, journals receive many papers per day and editors see hundreds of manuscripts per year, so take every opportunity you can to get your work noticed!


PHP Technical Days Iasi

Esti pasionat de o tema? Prezint-o! La PHP Technical Days Iasi :)

Pentru ca de data aceasta am vrea sa te auzim pe tine prezentand o tema care te pasioneaza! La evenimentul PHP Technical Days Iasi de aceasta data te poti inscrie atat ca participant cat si ca prezentator.
Mai multe detalii poti afla accesand:

vineri, 15 iunie 2012



Tech Data, Siemens, ABB, Stein & Partner, Noerr Consulting, Procer, AKKA Romserv, eJOBS, Faurecia Automotive Seating, Leoni Wiring Systems, VDI, Digital Optics Corporation, Viega, Barnett McCall, Emirom Grup, IBM Romania, SolidWorks, Cenit, IAC Group, etc. vor fi prezenti la
Expozitia BESTEngineer in perioada 22-23 iunie 2012 la Crowne Plaza Hotel cu joburi atat pentru inginerii specializati cat si pentru inginerii aflati la inceputul carierei.

Pentru a discuta in detaliu cu unul din recrutorii acestor companii, dar si pentru a aplica la unul din joburile acestora viziteaza BESTEngineer – Conventie de Training si Cariera pentru Ingineri, 22-23
iunie 2012, Crowne Plaza Hotel.

Conventia BESTEngineer este dedicata sectorului de resurse umane care activeaza preponderent in domeniul ingineriei si are ca scop sprijinirea companiilor in gasirea personalului tehnic specializat. In
completare BESTEngineer ofera o serie de posibilitati de formare, invatamant postuniversitar si oportunitati de cariera pentru ingineri.

Daca doresti sa obti o imagine de ansamblu asupra pietei fortei de munca pentru ingineri din Romania si din strainatate, trucuri despre redactarea cv-ului si comportamentul in cadrul unui interviu dar si
ultimele cerinte aparute atunci cand vorbim de obtinerea unui post de inginer, trebuie sa participi la Conferinta BESTEngineer care va avea loc simultan cu Expozitia BESTEngineer. In cadrul Conferintei
BESTEngineer vor prezenta reprezentanti ai companiilor Barnett McCall,Tech Data, ABB, Siemens, VDI, Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti, etc.

Program: Vineri 22 iunie: 10:00 – 18:00
Sambata 23 iunie: 10:00 – 17:00
Locatie: Crowne Plaza Hotel Bucuresti - Poligrafiei nr. 1, sector 1,
Bucuresti - Romania
Accesul in cadrul expozitiei este gratuit pe baza completarii unui formular la fata locului

miercuri, 18 aprilie 2012

Internship oferit de British Council Iasi

British Council Iasi ofera celor activi si interesati sa se implice in activitati de voluntariat oportunitatea unui internship de sase luni.
Cei selectati vor avea posibilitatea de a vedea cum este sa lucreze intr-un centru cultural: interactiune cu clientii, asistenta la biblioteca, in administrarea de examene internationale si la diferite evenimente.
Aplicatiile pot fi depuse pana pe 10 mai la adresa, specificand in subiect: Program Voluntariat Iasi.
Mai multe detalii despre aplicatie puteti afla consultand:

FameLab 2012

Participa la Famelab - competitia internationala de comunicare a stiintei!

British Council, in asociere cu The Times Cheltenham Science Fetival din Marea Britanie, organizeaza FameLab International, o competitie internationala de comunicare a stiintei care se desfasoara in peste 20
de tari din Europa, Orientul Mijlociu, Asia si Africa de Sud.

Daca ai intre 18 si 35 de ani si doresti sa-ti demonstrezi si sa-ti dezvolti abilitatile de comunicare a stiintei, inscrie-te la cea de a V-a editie a FameLab din Romania!

Filmeaza o prezentare de maximum 3 minute, in limba romana, pe un subiect la alegere din domeniul stiintelor naturii, matematicii, tehnologiei sau medicinei, si incarca prezentarea ta video pana pe 24
aprilie, pe pagina web a competitiei: www, <> .

Juriul format din oameni de stiinta si specialisti in comunicare va evalua filmele inscrise in concurs, in functie de trei criterii: continut, claritate si carisma.

Cei care trimit cele mai bune filme vor beneficia de un masterclass gratuit de comunicare a stiintei organizat de British Council, in zilele de 5-6 mai, la Predeal.

Primii zece clasati din faza prezentarilor video vor fi prezenti in finala nationala FameLab, cu o prezentare de 3 minute, sustinuta in limba romana, in fata publicului, in cadrul unui spectacol televizat care va avea loc in Bucuresti.

Castigatorul finalei de la Bucuresti va beneficia de o excursie la Festivalul de Stiinta din Cheltenham (Marea Britanie), in perioada 12-16 iunie, pentru a reprezenta Romania in finala FameLab International,
costurile fiind acoperite de British Council.

Editia din 2012 a FameLab Romania este organizata cu sprijinul partenerilor Intel, BBC Focus Science, Asociatia "Hermann Oberth" si Ziarul Stiintelor.

Mai multe informatii depre FameLab 2012 pe pagina web a competitiei: www, <>  sau prin e-mail, la adresa

miercuri, 11 aprilie 2012

CFD course in Boston University, accepting guest students on Piazza (learning collaboration environment). Open, free.

Lorena will open my Piazza class to students/self-learners from the world who want to follow our Computational Fluid Dynamics course online, discuss, and collaborate with the registered students on campus. Send msg or email if you are interested in joining the course in
CFD Video Lesson 1: Introduction to CFD What is it? Why is it needed? Basic ingredients
CFD Video Lesson 2: Intro to the Finite Difference method, accuracy of FD schemes

QUIZMaker SharePoint

Azi s-a dat startul concursului QUIZMaker SharePoint, "SHARE your Expert POINT by creating your own SharePoint QUIZ!" -

vineri, 9 martie 2012

Cum pot transforma studentii visul european intr-un premiu consistent

Studentii ieseni din anii terminali pot cistiga 1.000 lei daca isi depun pina pe 22 aprilie eseurile pentru concursul "Visul meu european".
Scopul acestuia este de a promova interesul studentilor pentru domeniul studiilor europene si de a incuraja dezbaterile legate de Uniunea Europeana. Printre conditiile de participare se numara: lucrarea trebuie sa aiba maximum sase pagini, sa fie redactata in limba romana, sa contina argumete si concepte generale. Cei interesati pot trimite eseurile la adresa de e-mail Tema concursului ofera participantilor o gama larga de subiecte ce pot fi valorificate cu ajutorul cunostintelor si a imaginatiei. Prin intermediul eseului cei interesati au posibilitatea de a expune viziunea proprie referitoare la procesul de integrare europeana. Premiul de excelenta consta in suma de 1.000 lei, premiul intii in suma de 700 lei, urmat de premiul al doilea in valoare de 500 lei si premiul trei de 400 lei. De asemenea, candidatii au posiblitatea sa cistige si doua mentiuni in valoare de 200 lei, precum si 10 burse de studiu in cadrul programul de Master in Studii Europene. Concursul este organizat de Centrul de Studii Europene si Centrul de Documentare Europeana din cadrul Universitatii „Al.I. Cuza" Iasi. Rolul concursului este de a afla cum gindesc noile generatii despre subiectele care constituie interes pentru constructia europeana, precum si ce fel de Europa isi doresc tinerii, care considera ca sint oportunitatile si constringerile oferite de spatiul european. Eseurile vor fi subiectul unei dezbateri organizate cu ocazia Zilei Europei, in cadrul evenimentului „Saptamina europeana la Universitatea „Al.I. Cuza" in perioada 9-15 mai. De asemenea, cele mai bune eseuri vor fi promovate pe site-ul Centrului de Studii Europene si in Buletinul electronic al Europe Direct Iasi.

luni, 27 februarie 2012

Team Leader (termoficare) - Iasi

Descrierea postului

- responsabil de gestionarea intregului proiect, de coordonarea intregii echipe de experti, cu alocarea sarcinilor pe fiecare embru al echipei.
- va reprezenta Prestatorul in relatiile cu toate partile implicate in proiect si va monitoriza modul in care sunt implementate toate activitatile prevazute in proiect,
- va intocmi toate rapoartele, in conformitate cu cerintele din proiect.

Persoanele care indeplinesc cerintele mentionate mai jos si sunt interesate de acest post vacant sunt rugate sa transmita CV-ul actualizat la adresa avand subiectul "Team Leader (termoficare)".
Doar candidatii selectati vor fi contactati.


- cel putin 1 contract experienta in supervizare in conformitate cu regulile FIDIC sau echivalent,
- cel putin un proiect experienta privind supervizarea lucrarilor destinate sistemelor centralizate de incalzire,
- cel putin trei ani in lucrari de constructie,
- diploma de licenta in inginerie sau echivalent.

Pentru detalii suplimentare despre acest post vacant, va rugam accesati:

vineri, 10 februarie 2012

EPTISA Romania angajeaza!


Inginer rezident

Senior Expert în Suceava, România (1 Post vacant)

Inginer proiectant (reţele edilitare)

Expert Local în Iaşi, România (1 Post vacant)

Inginer supervizor

Expert Local în Iaşi, România (1 Post vacant)

Inginer ofertare

Comercial / Ofertare în Bucureşti, România (1 Post vacant)

Coordonator departament supervizare lucrari

Senior Expert în Bucureşti, România (1 Post vacant)

Inginer proiectant de reţele apă şi canalizare

Senior Expert în Bucureşti, România (1 Post vacant)

Şef departament proiectare

Senior Expert în Bucureşti, România (1 Post vacant)

Director de proiect

Team Leader în Bucureşti / Iaşi, România (1 Post vacant)

Contract Representative - Mediaş

Expert Local în Mediaș / Sibiu, România (1 Post vacant)
Pentru mai multe informatii accesati:

miercuri, 8 februarie 2012

Energie - Burse Doctorale ANCS/CCIFER/AmbasadaFrantei

Camera de Comerţ, de Industrie şi de Agricultură Franceză din România (CCIFER), în parteneriat cu Ambasada Franţei în România şi Agenţia Naţională pentru Cercetare Ştiinţifică (ANCS) au lansat, pe data de 7 februarie un apel la transmiterea de candidaturi pentru obţinerea a trei burse doctorale în domeniul energiei durabile. Intitulat „Tinerii cercetători şi energia durabilă”, concursul se adresează tinerilor cercetători români care au un proiect de doctorat în acest domeniu şi care doresc să-şi continue munca de cercetare într-un laborator din Franţa.
Cele trei burse, acordate pentru o perioadă de trei ani, vor fi cofinanţate de către companiile franceze implantate în România, guvernul francez şi statul român. Atribuirea acestor burse se înscrie în cadrul parteneriatului strategic între Franţa şi România, în care energia deţine un rol prioritar.  
Bursele au fost create în concordanţă cu Cartea albă a energiei (publicată în luna martie 2011) şi au rolul de a promova dezbaterea despre legăturile între cercetare şi inovaţie, aplicate în energie, în România şi de a genera noi sinergii între România şi Franţa.
„Energia este un bun preţios, producerea şi exploatarea sa trebuie să fie în acelaşi timp mai economicoase, mai respectuase faţă de mediul înconjurător şi mai accesibile pentru populaţie”, a declarat Henri PAUL, Ambasadorul Franţei în România, cu ocazia lansării acestui program.
„Prin apropierea întreprinderilor faţă de domeniul cercetării, în scopul promovării inovaţiei, recompensând şi sprijinind iniţiativele şi proiectele tinerilor talentaţi din România şi sensibilizând publicul larg cu privire la mizele energetice de mâine, acest concurs se doreşte o legătură între ştiinţă şi societate, în acest domeniu strategic”, a completat domnul Bruno Roche, preşedintele CCIFER.
Contact: Alina Minea

joi, 2 februarie 2012

Danemarca, cursuri de master: Thermal Energy Systems

Fundatia Bitten and Mads Clausen doreste sa ajute educatia in domeniul sistemelor termice la Mads Clausen Institute, University of Southern Denmark printr-un numar de burse de studiu la cursuri tip master cu o durata de 2 ani.
Termenul limita pentru aplicatii este 1 aprilie 2012, pentru anul universitar ce urmeaza(2012-2013).
Cerintele de baza sunt cunoasterea limbii engleze (testele Cambridge constituie un avantaj) si note foarte bune in cursul facultatii.
Va rog sa tineti cont ca intocmirea dosarului (cu toate actele in limba engleza) dureaza cel putin 3 saptamani.
Pentru mai multe detalii, puteti sa ma contactati direct la e-mail:

vineri, 27 ianuarie 2012

Acord cu DALKIA pentru finanţarea studiilor în Franţa

Acordul comun cu  DALKIA (veolia-EDF) este pentru finanţarea, timp de un an, a studiilor în Franţa pentru un tânăr ce va ocupa o funcţie de răspundere. Candidatii alesi vor petrece 6 luni la scoala si 6 luni, în cadrul întreprinderii în Franta, inainte de a le fi acodate o misiune de responsabilitate in cadrul acestor doua întreprinderi. Candidatii pot detine o diploma de Licenta, de anul 1 de Master, de anul 2 Master sau sa fie deja in viata activa.

Persoanele interesate pot adresa un CV pe adresa mea de e-mail sau a domnului FLORI Fabien,
Attaché scientifique et universitaire, Institut Français de Roumanie înainte de data de 19 februarie

Pentru informatii suplimentare:

miercuri, 25 ianuarie 2012

Oil & Gas Specialists (EPC Contract for LNG Project) - Algeria Job Reference: CGE32

If you have minimum 10 years of experience in Oil & Gas Projects and have the required qualifications (Degree, Diploma, Certificates), we would like to hear from you for the below mentioned vacancies. Please send your CV in “.doc” format to along with your salary requirements.

We need adequate candidates for the following vacancies in Algeria, for an important Oil & Gas Project (LNG: pipelines, refineries, pumping stations):
1. Piping Supervisor
2. Millwright Foreman
3. Piping Supervisor
4. Electrical Superintendant
5. Instrumentation Superintendant
6. Instrumentation Supervisor
7. Quantity Surveyor Mechanical
8. Electrical Supervisor
9. Telecom Superintendant
10. Cold Insulation & Painting Superintendant
11. Painting & Insulation Supervisor
12. Senior Static & Rotating Equipment Superintendant
13. Fire Gas Specialist
14. Turbine Coordinator

These jobs are contract based, for a period of 6 to 9 months, starting from 1st of February 2012; therefore you should be able to join the client within 2 weeks time.

Beside the standard benefit package (visa, flight tickets, full accommodation on site, food, transportation on site, medical insurance, pocket money) our Client offers rotation: 3 months on/ 15 days off.

Salary is negotiable based on qualifications and experience.

English is a MUST (optimal level) and French/ Italian are an advantage.

Locuri de munca: Verification Engineer_Brasov

For one of our clients, IT company, Brasov area, we are looking for a Verification Engineer.
• Develop RTL verification test plans, tools, test benches, protocol monitors, and high-coverage stimulus vectors
• Apply advanced techniques to achieve design verification with the highest quality, productivity and time-to-market
... • Perform RTL logic simulation and emulation
• Debug failures to root cause
• Run regression tests on every version and get to full test coverage for every tested block
• Interface closely with the algorithm and logic designers.
• BSc Electrical Engineering or Computer Science
• Minimum 2 years of experience at ASIC components verification
• Experience in defining test plans and development verification environments
• Experience using logic simulators, creating simulation tools and test benches, and writing test plans and directed tests
• Experience in software development at Object Oriented environments
• Excellent communication and teamwork skills
• Willingness for technical travelling to other DOC sites
• Experience in writing the verification environment at Specman ERM methodology including Cadence tools knowledge (is considered an advantage).

Please send cv at

Locuri de munca: Inginer Automatist, Galati

In domeniul dezvoltarii/ preluarii/ intretinerii aplicatiilor software
1. Analiza, proiectarea, programarea, testarea, implementarea, întreţinerea software-ului de aplicatie a sistemelor de automatizare cu PLC
2. Analiza, proiectarea, programarea, testarea, implementarea, întreţinerea software-ului HMI
... 3. Participarea la realizarea de specificatii tehnice pentru aplicatii hardware si software realizate de terte firme
4. Supervizarea si preluarea aplicatiilor software realizate de terte firme.
Absolvent de studii superioare in domeniul automatizari sau electonicii (Automatizari si calculatoare, Electronica )
Sunt considerate avantaje:
• Experienta in domeniu
• Experienta la punerea in functiune a unor sisteme de automatizare
• Experienta in companii multinationale
• Certificare de limbi straine.

Cei interesati sunt rugati sa trimita un cv la

Locuri de munca: Administrator retea calculatoare, Galati

1. Instalarea, configurarea, întreținerea şi menţinerea în funcţiune a componentelor hardware şi software pentru reţele de calculatoare, precum şi a serviciilor de rețea
2. Participare la proiectarea şi implementarea arhitecturii de reţea LAN / WAN de proces a companiei
3. Administrarea infrastructurii de reţea de proces a companiei
... 4. Administrarea procedurilor de back-up şi restore ale configuraţiei reţelelor
5. Planificarea şi asigurarea suportului pentru infrastructura de reţea 24h/24h
6. Analizarea problemelor care apar la servere, staţii de lucru şi sistemele asociate.
7. Întocmirea şi ţinerea la zi a documentaţiei rețelelor, a problemelor de reţea apărute şi soluţiilor găsite
8. Monitorizarea performantei reţelelor şi implementarea de soluții de îmbunătăţire
9. Aplicarea de masuri de securizare a reţelelor şi a politicilor de „disaster recovery”.
1. Absolvent de studii superioare în domeniul ingineriei informatice (Automatizări şi calculatoare, Informatică, Tehnologia informației)
2. Cunoștințe aprofundate despre reţelele de calculatoare (Ethernet , LAN, WAN, TCP/IP)
3. Cunoștințe aprofundate de limba Engleză
4. Cunoștințe de bază despre sistemele de operare (Microsoft Windows Server, XP, Linux, virtualizare, securitate)
5. Cunoștințe de bază despre hardware calculatoare (servere, staţii de lucru, medii de stocare, RAID)
6. Abilităţi de comunicare şi prezentare - scris şi verbal (fluenţă, exprimare clară şi concisă)
7. Abilităţi de rezolvare a problemelor, implicare şi dorinţa de dezvoltare personală, capacitatea de a lucra in echipa.

Cei interesati sunt rugati sa trimita un cv la

Locuri de munca: Inginer de sistem, Galati

1. Instalarea, configurarea, administrarea şi menţinerea în funcţiune hardware şi software a serverelor, staţiilor de lucru şi celorlalte echipamente IT de proces din companie
2. Evidenţa şi gestionarea infrastructurii IT-proces şi a licenţelor software
3. Întocmirea şi administrarea procedurilor de salvare şi restaurare configuraţii şi date
... 4. Elaborarea de norme şi manuale de exploatare pentru utilizarea echipamentelor şi aplicaţiilor din dotare
5. Realizarea de interconectări între diferite sisteme de calcul, transferuri de date şi aplicaţii, modificarea configurației sistemelor de calcul în conformitate cu cerințele aplicaţiilor
6. Asistenta tehnica la încheierea de contracte de colaborare şi service pentru echipamentele din dotare
7. Asigurarea asistenţei tehnice şi instruirea utilizatorilor pentru implementarea metodelor şi echipamentelor noi
8. Întocmirea şi ţinerea la zi a documentaţiei infrastructurii hardware şi software a echipamentelor de proces, a problemelor apărute şi a soluţiilor găsite
9. Asigurarea suportului tehnic şi rezolvarea operativă a incidentelor apărute în funcţionarea echipamentelor 24h/24h pentru situaţiile critice
1. Absolvent de studii superioare în domeniul ingineriei informatice (Automatizări şi calculatoare, Informatică, Tehnologia informației)
2. Cunoștințe aprofundate despre sistemele de operare (Microsoft Windows Server, XP, Linux, virtualizare, securitate) şi ingineria de sistem
3. Cunoștințe aprofundate despre hardware calculatoare (servere, staţii de lucru, medii de stocare, RAID)
4. Experiența în domeniu
5. Cunoștințe aprofundate de limba Engleză
6. Cunoștințe de bază despre reţelele de calculatoare (Ethernet , LAN, WAN, TCP/IP)
7. Abilităţi de comunicare şi prezentare - scris şi verbal (fluenţă, exprimare clară şi concisă)
8. Abilităţi de rezolvare a problemelor, implicare şi dorinţa de dezvoltare personală, capacitatea de a lucra in echipa.

Cei interesati sunt rugati sa trimita un cv la

Locuri de munca: FPGA Manager_Bucharest


• Manage a team of 5-10 engineers who are working to architect high performance & highly resilient architectures using complex core FPGAs, DSPs & other hardware components
• Lead and mentor team in the design, development and testing of these complex systems
... • Work hands-on and mentor team members in the lab to bring up, debug, and verify the correct functioning of the system at required performance/throughout & stability
• Active management of the team from tasks, schedules, structure and team growth perspective
• Active technical program management and tasks/goals alignment with other teams from US/CA
• Work with other engineers to identify & work on patenting unique & innovative solutions
• Participate in documentation of functional, design and test specifications
• Functional and feature ownership – direct accountability for project/feature delivery
• experience with Altera or Xilinx FPGA designs
• experience in team leading of 3-7 engineers
• Knowledge of CPU, memory, and microcontroller architectures and how to optimally interface FPGAs to CPUs, memories, and microcontrollers.
• Track record of architecting provably optimal designs, with minimum necessary complexity
• Experience working with and leading a team of engineers
• Experience working with a distributed, global organization.
• Excellent communication skills (written and verbal)
• Can handle multiple tasks well while mentoring and directing others
• BSEE, MSEE, or equivalent

Please send cv at

Locuri de munca: Team leader Windows_Bucharest


• Lead a team of 4-6 engineers who are working to develop networking virtualization modules for the IxVM product on Windows platform
• Lead and mentor the team in the design, development and testing of these modules
... • Work hands-on and mentor team members to develop, debug, and verify the correct functioning of the modules at required performance/throughout & stability
• It will involve interacting with project managers, leads, other developers and QA team in order to understand, scope and specify the features, planning the schedule, designing and implementing the solutions, performing development testing, optimizing and performing bug-fixing in order to deliver high quality releases on time.
• Active management of the team from tasks and schedules perspective
• Active tasks and goals alignment with other teams from US/CA
• Work with other engineers to identify & work on patenting unique & innovative solutions
• Participate in documentation of functional, design and test specifications
• Functional and feature ownership – direct accountability for project/feature delivery
• Experience in Windows C++ development
• Experience in team leading of 4-6 engineers
• Good knowledge for analysis & design algorithms, data structures and OOP/OOD skills
• Proven experience in middleware, multi-threading and networking development using C++
• Proven to be performance driven and fast learner
• Experience working with a distributed, global organization.
• Excellent communication skills (written and verbal)
• Can handle multiple tasks well while mentoring and directing others
• BSEE, MSEE, or equivalent

Please send cv at

Locuri de munca: GUI Arhitect_Bucharest

Pentru unul dintre clientii nostri, companie multinationala pe IT, cautam un GUI Arhitect.
- va lucra la re-shape-ul unuia din produsele mari ale companiei (IxLoad) – solutia de generare de trafic Layers 4-7
- va fi implicata in review-ul sau design-ul a tot ce inseamna interfata grafica in acest produs sau in module adiacente
... - Va face parte din echipa de dezvoltare IxLoad Infrastructure – 20+ ingineri
- Va fi nevoie sa elaboreze mock-up-uri (functionale sau doar screenshot-uri) care sa descrie workflow-ul aplicatiei/modulelor
- Este nevoie de experienta in design-ul (si dezvoltarea) de aplicatii desktop in principal.

Cei interesati sunt rugati sa trimita un cv la

Locuri de munca: Professional Service Engineer_Bucharest

The Professional Services Engineer will be responsible for delivering pre-sales and post-sales activities of Professional Services projects.
The role requires:
Regular travel to deliver services on customer locations throughout the EMEA region
Assist PS Project Managers during pre-sales process in preparing and reviewing
... proposals, presentations and Statements of Work (SOW) for professional services
Work closely with the customer in understanding requirements, identifying a strategy for
meeting the customer needs, problem identification, analysis and re-creation.
Design, develop & execute test configurations to cover functional, scalability,
performance, system testing and characterization for L2-7 technologies
Perform day to day management of assigned projects, manage customer relationships and ensure customer delight
Keep abreast of Product and Technology developments to ensure that latest solutions are used to enhance customer experience.
• 5 years of experience in IP Test and Measurement
• Bachelor’s Degree in a computer science or engineering background
• Customer facing experience and ability to manage relationships.
• Excellent communication skills – ability to write documents to a high standard and
present solutions to customers.
• Strong background in data communications. Expertise in one or more of the following:
o L2/L3 technologies (Ethernet/IP).
o Understanding of IP routing and MPLS Signalling protocols.
o Exposure to L4/7 Applications.
o Knowledge of Voice and Video technologies in IP networks.
o Automation – scripting and/or programming knowledge
o Ability to troubleshoot network issues in a logical manner.
o Ability to be dynamic and stay in control when under pressure.

Please send cv at

Locuri de munca: C++/C# Application Developer _Bucharest

This position requires an immediate and significant technical contribution to the development of complex object-oriented software product. It will involve interacting with project managers, leads and other developers in order to understand, scope and specify the features, planning the schedule, designing and implementing the solutions, performing development testing, ...optimizing and performing bug-fixing in order to deliver high quality releases on time.
We are looking for a senior software engineer with excellent programming knowledge and experience in developing commercial software. The ideal candidates have a strong foundation in networking, including TCP/IP, sockets programming and L4-7 protocols knowledge.
Requirements :
• Analysis & Design: Good algorithms/data structures knowledge and OOP/OOD skills, RUP
• Programming Languages: C++, .Net C# programming; experience in GUI/middleware development
• Testing / Automation: Junit/Nunit, Open STA, J2EE Cactus, ant, make, Cruise Control
• General Programming: knowledge or experience on Windows (multi-threading and networking programming)
• Good communication skills in English (spoken and written), proactive attitude and team player
• Proven to be performance driven and fast learner
• Technologies: Good algorithms/data structures knowledge and OOP/OOD skills
• Application Servers: Oracle 10g AS, Windows Server
• Internet: JSP/Servlets, ASP.NET 2.0, XML, HTML, TCL scripting, HTTP,

Please send cv at

Locuri de munca: C&C++ Software Developer_Bucharest

This person will participate in the analysis, design, development and maintenance of various products. She/he will maintain and enhance current products and will participate in the design and development of applications for both internal and external use. She/he will also liaise with different groups within the company to determine their requirements and priorities. This p...erson will also train end users on the efficient use of the developed applications.
Requirements :
• Solid C/C++ programming skills
• Linux, Windows programming expertise
• Network programming experience (TCP/IP)
• Ability to quickly learn and grasp new technologies
• Desire and ability to work in a highly collaborative, team-oriented environment
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills

Please send cv at