An education isn’t how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It’s being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don’t Anatole France
(Educatia nu reprezinta ce ai putut sa memorezi, si nici macar cat de multe stii. Educatia iti permite sa diferentiezi cunoasterea de necunoastere.)

vineri, 28 octombrie 2011

FREE COMSOL® Multiphysics Seminar & Master Class

Attend to FREE COMSOL® events in Bucharest: COMSOL Applications Seminar and Meshing Master Class

Location:    Ramada Majestic Hotel, Bucharest
                   Calea Victoriei 38-40, Bucharest - 010082, Romania
Date:           November 23rd (Wednesday), 2011 
Language:  English

COMSOL Applications  Seminar
Time:          09:00  – 12:15  (Check-in from 08:30)

COMSOL Multiphysics - Meshing Master Class
Time:          14:00  – 16:00  (Check-in from 13:30)

Preliminary registration is required until November 17th, 2011!  Seats are limited!
REGISTER NOW for the seminar!at:

REGISTER NOW for the masterclass! at:

COMSOL Applications Seminar - Highlights
- principles of simulation of physical phenomenon using of FEA
- new features in COMSOL 4.2 and 4.2a (demonstrating its capabilities, new abilities and functionality enhancements, new, more efficient user interface)
- modeling coupled multiphysics (new workflow)
- LiveLink for SolidWorks® Module 
- LiveLink for MATLAB® Module 

View the agenda and register at

COMSOL Meshing Master Class
This masterclass is a tutorial in COMSOL Multiphysics Version 4.2 and it’s meshing capabilities. It is directed at both new users and existing users who would like experience with the new interface and learn more about the meshing sequence, physics controlled meshing, new mesh element types, creating custom meshes, analyze the results and visualize the mesh.

View the agenda and register at

Please note, that you need to register to both events separately.
The seminar and master class are separate events.

For further information contact , or call  +36 1 372 0707

vineri, 21 octombrie 2011

FPGA Manager_Bucuresti

Pentru unul din clientii nostri, companie multinationala pe IT, din Bucuresti, cautam un FPGA Manager.
-Experienta in zona tehnica FPGA, VHDL, Design Hardware
-Experienta relevanta in team leading sau team management
-Potential de crestere si skill-uri de leading si management
-Riguros, organizat si motivat sa participe la proiecte interesante in zona asta

Cei interesati sunt rugati sa trimita un CV la:

- Pentru mai multe informatii contactati pe d-na Mihaela Joian la adresa mentionata. -

joi, 13 octombrie 2011

Web Developeri cu experienta in JavaScript si HTML

Cautam Web Developeri cu experienta in JavaScript si HTML, pentru un proiect in zona de dezvoltare XSLT / XPath, in cadrul Pentalog Iasi.

Proiectul este pentru un cunoscut furnizor de servicii online din Germania, cu o gama extrem de complexa de produse si servicii online in domeniul farma, medical, veterinar si de larg consum.
Se va folosi astfel procesare si debugging XSLT, iar ca mediu de dezvoltare se vor utiliza Eclipse si Oxygen.
Dezvoltarea este web, o parte in .NET iar alta vizeaza tehnologiile HTML si JavaScript (pentru care cautam in clipa de fata persoane potrivite). Sunt necesare doar cunostinte de baza in CSS, deoarece partea de design web nu va fi implicata foarte mult in stadiul acesta.
Framework-ul folosit va fi Cocoon, si uneori sa va folosi si tehnologia Java.

Aplicatia principala pe care se va face front-end si back-end development va fi un CMS online, alaturi de alte site-uri gigant, care au intre 10,000 si 20,000 de pagini.

Pentru mai multe detalii, puteti contacta:

vineri, 7 octombrie 2011

SciVerse Utopia

Elsevier is continually innovating and experimenting with ways to make your work easier or more productive. Our latest study looks at how a PDF Reader integrated with SciVerse ScienceDirect can help your research go more quickly, with fewer interruptions.
We are looking for volunteers to try this innovative new functionality and provide quantitative and qualitative feedback.
To learn more and join the study, click here